Sleep Apnea Therapy for The Woodlands, TX and Surrounding Areas
Do you find yourself constantly feeling tired throughout the day no matter how much you sleep? Does your bed partner constantly complain about your loud, chronic snoring? Is it hard for you to keep your focus during the day? If so, it may be time to see if you have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition that affects over 18 million Americans every night, and treating it could be exactly the answer to your problems. Dr. Robert Dernick has decades of experience treating this condition, and he regularly works with a team of experienced sleep doctors to make sure your journey from diagnosis to treatment is smooth and easy. With a simple custom-made oral appliance, he could help you finally start feeling great in the morning again.
Why Quality Sleep is So Important
The human body needs a few basic things to achieve and maintain optimum health: a balanced diet, regular exercise, and something that is often overlooked, quality sleep. Getting enough sleep at night doesn’t just allow you to regain your energy for the following day, but it’s also essential to your body’s self-care processes. Sleep is when your brain takes all of its information and organizes it so you can easily recall it, and it’s also when your body goes into overdrive to heal any ailments you might have. When you aren’t sleeping enough (most doctors recommend that healthy adults should get about 7-9 hours of sleep each night), you rob your body of the opportunity to take care of itself. This can really wear a person down from head to toe after just a few days, severely impacting their quality of life.
People with sleep apnea typically have put up with years of inadequate sleep by the time they come to see Dr. Dernick, and once they are receiving the correct treatment, they are simply amazed at how much better they feel. Getting up feels easy, they have more energy than they know what to do with, and their mind feels sharp. It’s all because the body is finally getting what it needs.
Call Us To Start Getting the Rest You Deserve!
If any of the symptoms we mentioned above sound familiar, if you have already been diagnosed with sleep apnea, or if you are CPAP intolerant, Dr. Robert Dernick and our team are ready and able to help you. We can provide the solution you need so you can start getting the deep, restful sleep necessary to live a long, healthy life. To schedule a sleep consultation, simply contact us today.