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How Are Type 2 Diabetes and Sleep Apnea Connected?

May 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdernick @ 12:22 pm
Eyeglasses on paper with words diabetes type 2

Do you or a family member have type 2 diabetes? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), diabetes affects more than 37 million Americans, with type 2 diabetes accounting for over 90 percent of all cases. Although diabetes is very common, few people are aware that sleep problems can make it more difficult to manage. Keep reading to learn more about the surprising connection between type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea, and how a dentist can help.


TMD And The Link To Women’s Health: What You Need to Know About Jaw Pain

April 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdernick @ 3:47 pm
Uncomfortable woman holding her face

Have you ever experienced persistent pain, aching, or general discomfort in your jaw? Do you frequently notice a locking sensation or popping when you try to open your mouth? If so, it’s likely that you’re familiar with how painful TMJ disorder can be. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can cause a host of problems when it isn’t working correctly. And while both men and women struggle with TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder), women are more likely to suffer. Here’s what we know about TMD and women’s health.


Can Children Have Sleep Apnea?

March 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdernick @ 6:04 pm

Sleeping child hugging a stuffed bearOver 18 million Americans live with obstructive sleep apnea. The condition causes frequent pauses in breathing from an obstruction in the upper airway. Although it’s thought to only affect adults, children aren’t immune to it. It’s believed that 7% to 9% of children have a sleep-related breathing disorder; however, up to 90% of cases are undiagnosed. If your child suffers from loud snoring, they might be at risk. Here’s what you need to know about children’s sleep apnea, so you and your little one can sleep peacefully. 


Traveling with Sleep Apnea? Stay Comfortable with These 4 Tips

February 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdernick @ 6:57 pm
Picture of airport, passenger with suitcase walking by

It’s easy enough to manage sleep apnea with an oral appliance or a CPAP machine at home, but what about when you’re traveling? It’s important to make sure that you have access to your prescription when you need it, so you need to consider the situation carefully and plan accordingly. Below are 4 tips for traveling with sleep apnea; keep them in mind if you want to make your upcoming trip a bit less stressful.


Beware of the 5 Hidden Dangers of Untreated Sleep Apnea

January 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdernick @ 6:09 pm
snoring young man and wife with pillows covering ears, white couple, in bed with white sheets, gray background

No one wants to snore – or to share a bed with someone who does – but if you do frequently wake up with a dry mouth or feeling groggy, you may be sawing logs much of the night. And it’s more than a harmless habit. Unfortunately, snoring often actually indicates sleep apnea, which can take a negative toll on your overall health. Keep reading to learn about the 5 hidden dangers of untreated sleep apnea, then make an appointment with a dentist who offers sleep apnea treatment to get the relief you need. 


How to Adjust to Wearing an Oral Appliance

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdernick @ 6:48 pm
Woman wearing an oral appliance in The Woodlands

If you’ve recently learned that you have sleep apnea and seen a dentist to get a custom oral appliance in The Woodlands, you’re probably relieved that you can finally start to improve the quality of your sleep. Oral appliances are designed to expand the airway, making it easier to get more oxygen throughout the night and prevent apneas from occurring. However, getting used to sleeping with an oral appliance can take some time, so, you’ll want to take note of some tips from a dentist on how to adjust.


How Does Sleep Apnea Affect Brain Health?

November 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdernick @ 7:07 pm

Do you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)? You probably already know about the effects it can have on your body, leaving you at an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and even diabetes. However, it may surprise you to learn that the disorder can also take a significant toll on your brain health. If you’re not getting a good night’s sleep, it can lead to memory loss among other complications. If you’re interested in learning more about the effects on your brain, simply keep reading!


Sleep Apnea Linked to Brain Damage and Memory Loss

October 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drdernick @ 7:00 pm

Tired man needing sleep apnea therapy in The WoodlandsIf you frequently stop breathing throughout the night, you’re likely among the 18 million Americans living with obstructive sleep apnea. Although the sleep disorder is easily treatable, at least 80% of patients with the condition are untreated. Many haven’t even been properly diagnosed. If you have signs of sleep apnea, you don’t want to wait to get the treatment you need. Snoring and fatigue aren’t the only complications it can cause. New research has found it can lead to brain damage. Here are the facts you need to make a consultation for sleep apnea therapy in The Woodlands a top priority.


Stages of Sleep: What They Are & Why They’re Important

September 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdernick @ 5:50 pm
young woman sleeping in bed

Millions of Americans suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The disorder interrupts your breathing while you’re asleep, meaning your brain will keep waking you up to unblock the airway. Sadly, this will interrupt the sleep cycle and prevent you from getting the full benefits of a good night’s rest. When you’re asleep, the body takes time to repair muscles, grow bones, manage hormones, and sort memories. Read along to learn about the different stages of sleep and why it’s important to complete the full cycle every night.


Does Sharing a Bed with Your Pet Affect Sleep Apnea?

August 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdernick @ 7:47 pm
young woman sharing bed with dog

Do you have a furry friend? Most people do. In fact, the American Veterinary Medical Association estimates that dogs can be found in roughly one-third of homes in the United States. Of that statistic, more than half say that they allow their pets to sleep in the bedroom with them. However, researchers found that snuggling up with your pet at night can have surprising effects on your quality of rest, especially if you have sleep apnea. Read on as we explain what you should know about pets and sleep apnea.

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